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+36 1 467 1750


I-FLEET failure report

In case you have any questions or you would like to send us a failure report concerning our i-Fleet system respectively your vehicles, please send us a message by clicking „Failure report” under the menu item i-Fleet interface “Communication”.

If you can not send your message via the i-Fleet interface, please send an e-mail to the following e-mail address:


If you have problems with login to the i-Fleet interface, you are advised to call the

+36 1 467 1755  or  +36 1 467 1765  phone number.

Our colleagues are at your disposal.

I-FLEET service

+36 1 467 1756 or +36 1 467 1760

If you would like to arrange an appointment for installation/ reinstallation (from one vehicle in an other one), please call our service division at the above phone number or please contact us by filling in the formular stated below. Our colleagues are ready to help you.

OBU failure report

In case you need help, please call our customer service on the phone number:
+36 1 510 0548.

You can get an overview of light and acoustic signals of OBU devices on the following link: OBU LED and acoustic signals

What is GPS-based positioning system (Global Positioning System)?

The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based global positioning system developed and operated by the U.S. Department of Defence and with the help of this system we can determine our position at any point of the Earth at any time with an accuracy of approximately 5-10 m.
Appropriate signal transmitting conditions, which are the best in the open air, are needed for positioning. The receiving quality becomes poorer in confined spaces, between high buildings or due to natural obstacles and it can make positioning impossible in some cases. Due to poor GPS signals the accuracy of km calculations may be also reduced.

How does GPRS-based data transmission work?

The onboard unit transfers collected data, via GPRS data transmission, to the central server where data are processed and stored.
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a packet-switched mobile data transmission technology using GSM network. The essence of pocket switchings system is that no constant connection is established between two points like in case of line switch but the information sender divides the information to be transferred into small packages.Service providers issue the invoiced for GPRS data transmission on the basis of data quantity ( the invoicing unit is normally 1-10-100 kbyte) instead of minute-based invoicing used for convential technologies.
Activating GPRS Roaming service ensures that any vehicle staying abroad is able to send fresh data continuously.In international environment the domestic mobile phone service providers ara capabla of continuous data transmission by using local partners network. If the vehicle is at place that is not covered by the partner’s network then GPRS data connection cannot be established and the device is incapable of transmissioni, i.e. „it is disconnected from the network”. Dta coming into being over that period are stored in the memory then sent to the server after the connection has been restored.


The fleet management system of i-Cell Kft. Can be used in a monthly subscription fee scheme after the purchase of the vehicle tracking devices. The devices of the system have a modular structure and can be supplemented with a number of optional devices (eg fuel level measuring probe, door opening sensor, etc.) according to the customer's needs, on the basis of which the actual fee is formed. In addition to the modular system, the size of the vehicle fleet equipped with a fleet management system also affects the amount of both assets and subscription fees. In addition to purchasing the equipment, in some cases we also provide the possibility of a lease construction.
To find out the exact costs and options, contact our sales representatives, who will provide accurate information on current prices and discounts!

What is the advantage of Internet-based access without client software?

In case of systems using client software an auxiliary program should be installed and up-dated on the machine to be used. On the contrary, i-Fleet management services are completely Internet-based and require no client software. To use these services only a computer connected to the Internet and a normal browsing program (Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox etc.) are needed. The great advantage of this solution is that any database maintenance, system update, activation of new functions, employing new maps, etc. can be performed centrally. This structure provides maximum freedom and mobility to usres of the system.

What business constructions are available to utilize i-Fleet management services?

The fleet management system of i-Cell Ltd. can be employed under a monthly payment scheme after vehicle tracking devices have been procured. The assets of the system have a modular construcion and, according to customers’ requirements, can be supplemented with numerous optional tools (e.g fuel level probe, door opening sensor, etc.) which constitute the basis of the actual monthly service fee. In addition to modular construction, the size of the vehicle fleet equipped with the fleet management system also has an influence on both the scope of assets and the monthly service fee. In addition to procuremennt of assets, in certain cases we provide a leasing solution.
To familiarize yourself with extra costs and opportunities please contact the colleagues of our sales department who give you accurate information about actual prices and allowances!

What rate of ROI can I expect?

According to our customers’ calculations and experience, the average payback period is between 6 months and 12 months. The payback periods are different concerning activities carried out by various vehicles, since the service activity performed by a car is fully different from the tasks to be accomplished with high fuel consumption trucks.
If you need more detailed information on rate of returns that can be achieved by the implementation of the system, please contact us.

What data can I obtain from CAN-bus system through FMS Gateway?

FMS Gateway is a standard interface through which technical data collected by the vehicle control system (CANbus) can be obtained according to a uniform protocol, regardless of the vehicle type.These data include:total fuel consumed,actual fuel level,trip distance, engine rpm,cooling water temperature, axle pressure.
An essential precondition for using FMS signals is the vehicle is that the vehicle shall be equipped with FMS Gateway on which the distributor of the vehicle can provide information. The actually available data are vehicle-specific, for more details of the standard please visit the page http://www.fms-standard.com/index.htm

Can the on-board unit be refitted to another vehicle?

Owing to their construction, the devices are installed under the dashboard of the vehicle in a hidden manner. This fixed installation provides efficient protection against sabotages and facilitates, for example, to monitor changes in ignition states.
The device can be installed into another vehicle by the technician of i-Cell Ltd; our customers cannot do it because every device is assigned to a given vehicle to ensure unambiguous identification in the system.

How fuel level measuring with additional probe sensor work?

The measuring instrument has no moving parts and is calibrated by OMH ( National Office of Measures, Hungary) and independent of the fuel measurement performed by the vehicle itself. Every device is produced and calibrated individually during the installation adjusting to the individual technical features. Using this instrument the exact fuel volume in the tank is available at all times. Refuelling can be accurately in diagram sor in a report. Using data of change in fuel level the system calculates average consumption related to distance (l/ 100 km) or time( l/h) ensuring the complete settlement.

How can I customize functions available to users and manage vehicle groups?

In the i-Fleet system there are 4 pre-defined authorization levels, but companies are working in different ways therefore pre-defined authorizations may result in restrictions. To solve this issue, each user can be authorised individually to gain access to various functions.
The vehicles can be grouped and one vehicle can be a member of more than one. With this method groups used in everyday work of the company can be created. and thanks to the authorization system „everybody can see only his own vehicles.”

What shall I do, if I have a fleet management system delivered by an other service provider and want to change?

Please make sure that your existing fleet management service provider has a Declaration Operator accreditation www.hu-go.hu. If it has such an accreditation and you intend to continue working with them, in this case we recommend you to contact them. In case your existing service provider does not have the Declaration Operator status or you do not wish to further cooperate with them in respect of toll declaration, then you can choose the relational ticket or an other fleet manegement system provider, such as i-Cell Ltd., or an OBU device that requires no installation ( it is a Plug&Play device that can be operated from cigar lighter socket ).

What maps are available in the system?

i-Cell Ltd. continuously provides most recent map databases that are available and legally procured from several map providers. In case of Hungary our map shows all settlements with street level detail and includes motorway sections which have been put into use recently and numbers of blocks of houses. Matching user requirements, our international maps can be accessed at various detail levels, while our basic map includes all settlements and the main streets thereof and the transit roads. Of course, we have more detailed map which includes foreign cities, towns and villages with highest possible resolution.

Is some extra monthly fee imposed on usage of optional devices or inquiring information several times?

An important feature of our business construction is that our monthly fee does not contain any hidden costs. It includes the usage of the accessories ( e.g. fuel level probe, temperature measurement in the sorage space, etc. ) without any extra costs.
The monthly service fee provides non-limited access to the users who may require unlimited number of data 24 hours a day through our Web platform.

How long is the period from which data can be retrieved via the Web platform?

In the i-Fleet system all data incoming from the on-board unit are available via WEB within a 2-month retroactive period. On the other hand, the way-bill containing historical data of the vehicle will be available for 6 months. Upon expiration of this period data will be archived and can be retrieved and used if needed.
In addition to automatic archiving performed by i-Cell Ltd., export is feasible in case of some functions and the users themselves can prepare archive files with cvs extension.

What shall I do if I already have a (i-Fleet) fleet management system and want to process toll payment ?

Concerning the suitability of previously installed i-Fleet units for toll declaration, please contact our service department. Besides, we recommend you to revise whether all vehicles that are subject to toll payment are equipped with a vehicle tracking unit operating correctly that is suitable for toll declaration , since only an operating device enables you to meet your electronic toll payment obligation. The newly installed units are suitable for electronic toll payment in every case.
In addition to the existing subscription fee, the electronic toll declaration service does not involve additional costs. On the other hand, a registration process must be carried out through the www.hu-go.hu website. In case of i-Fleet instruments, it can be performed using a generated code. In order to generate the OBU registration code necessary for registration you can find the E-toll submenu point on i-Fleet interface under the i-Fleet interface administration menu item. Clicking on this item the vehicle list appears. Clicking on „Code generation” button the 12 digit ID and 6-digit PIN code belonging to licence plate number will be seen. You are kindly asked to generate codes only to vehicles liable to pay toll. Generated codes can be exclusively used in case of GPS fix fitted to the vehicle, but not for mobile that is S900 és S550 OBU units. The E-Toll menu point is available for users with ADMINISTRATOR rights.

How can I meet my toll payment obligation?

The toll must be paid in advance before starting the journey (prepaid system). Toll declaration can be settled by a prepaid relational ticket or by OBU onboard unit. (with the help of a Declaration Operator), as well as using i-Fleet fleet management system.

What does Plug& Play operation mean ?

The instrument requires no installation, it must be solely connected to the cigar lighter socket and it is ready to function. Consequently, there is neither waiting time originating from installation nor special installation cost.
Please take into consideration that before commencing the use of an OBU for toll payment your are obligated to register it on the www.hu-go.hu website operated by SMMC as well as to ensure a positive Toll prepaid balance sufficient for toll payment while using toll sections.



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i-Cell KFt.

1037 Budapest Bécsi út 269.
47.5517848°; 19.0261868°
E-mail cím: sales@icell.hu
Adószám: 11756420-2-42
Nyitvatartás: H-P, 9:00 – 16:00
Pénztári nyitvatartás: H-P, 9:00 – 15:00


Our colleagues take personal needs into account when installing the system, helping to create custom reports and customize the i-Fleet interface as needed.